Wow!! This is one of the best meals I've had in a long time. Tasty and succulent with all the ingredients complimenting each other. Another one of my hubby's inspirational creations.
Ingredients (for one):
- 150g cod fillets
- Two trimmed slices (20g) Parma ham
- 75g (half pottle) Shitake mushrooms
- 142g (one large bulb) Pak Choi
- 1/4 brown onion
- 1/2 tsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp groundnut oil
- 1 tsp soy sauce
- 1/4 tsp sesame oil
- 3 stalks dill
Instructions (with these delish ingredients you may wing it as you like but this is how he did it):
Heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius
Heat roasting pan in the oven
Wrap the cod in the Parma ham and season with salt & pepper
Take out pan and pour in olive oil then sprinkle in finely chopped onion and shredded dill.
Place wrapped cod on top. Cook for 25minutes
While cod cooking, prepare Pak Choi by peeling away leaves from bulb and rinse. Then when 5minutes left on the cod - heat large wok and add groundnut oil.
Stir fry Shitake mushrooms for 1 minute
Add Pak Choi and fry for 3 minutes
Pour over soy sauce and sesame oil and stir through quickly before serving.
Satisfyingly gourmet yet quick meal for only 255 calories!
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